So I had another dream about my mission. This one was by no means spiritual or even funny. It was just plain random.
In my dream I decide to play the guessing game with my family, where everyone reads my mission call and I ask them yes or no questions until I guess correctly where I am serving.
Everyone goes around reading my letter and they all make weird faces and ask me why I asked for my letter to be sent to me in Spanish. Apparently the person who translated the letter did a poor job (I blame this part in my subconsious on Loira, because she told me that sometimes the church's translated letters were poorly written. Thanks, Loira, now I am paranoid about that too lol).
But they figure out were I am going and I start guessing.
In the U.S? No
Spanish speaking? No
Europe? Yes
FRANCE?! no.
and this goes on and on and on until my dad starts imitating a Polish accent.
Apparently, I know what a Polish accent sounds like because I guesss...
Poland? YES.
I grab my letter to look at it and then I realize that it makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.
In my dream it has the name of the translator. His name is like Mohammed something, and he is clearly Arabic. Well I am so furious by how poorly my letter is translated that I call church hq to complain about my letter, demanding that they send me a standard English one.
Once I get that resolved I start crying because I am going to go to POLAND (kind of a late reaction in my dream, dontcha think?). But then I was kind of stunned because I had remembered that if I was sent to Poland I would use the new language skills to do geneology for my grandfathers side of the family.
WOW! Prayers are answered! I cry.
The last thing I remember was that I was leaving for the MTC on March 13. This was a relief because I wouldn't have to do another semester of school before leaving.
I am telling you. RANDOM.
But definitely entertaining.
What do you mean it's not another funny dream?? This is HILARIOUS!