Blog Archive

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Rodent Induced Insomnia

It's 3am and I can't sleep.

You see, I saw a mouse in my room.  It ran behind my bookshelf, and I, in order to escape the rodent invasion of my bedroom, grabbed a blanket from my bed and went downstairs to sleep on the guest futon. 

And as I am watching something very peacefully on my laptop, I see something move on my blanket. It was a MOUSE. On my BLANKET.  I of course scream and cry (a little, which is okay because I am traumatized).

You see, somehow a mouse ended up on the blanket that I brought downstairs with me.  I know this because the blanket was on my bed before I grabbed it.  Somehow, mice have climbed all the way up stairs to my bedroom and into my bed, the place where I SLEEP.  I know they were in my bed because I found little mouse poops ON MY BED.  Might I add, this mouse is a DIFFERENT mouse than the one that ran behind my bookshelf????


So it is 3 in the morning and I am sitting outside of the guest bedroom watching the door like my life depends on it. You see, I have seen the mouse move from under the door, and I have a trap waiting for it right outside.  I don't think I will be able to sleep until I catch at least one of these rodents tonight. 

Like I said. THIS ISN'T FUNNY.

Also, just for disclosures sake, I am not a gross person, ok! My room is not the cleanest ever, but it is far from disgusting, just slightly messy.  I don't know why these pests have chosen to torture me.  I don't think I will ever be the same again. 

Spiders are one thing, but MICE.

That's a whole different story. They carry diseases and ticks and there poop can kill people. 

So no.  I'm not being dramatic. THIS IS A BIG DEAL.

So I will continue to wait outside this door until that mouse decides to try and make a run for it again. 

It's the first time I have ever been HAPPY and EXCITED to see a mouse in a mouse trap, nasty little buggers.

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