1. I love Tania Mancilla. She annoys me sometimes. Sometimes we get in fights. Sometimes she is so talkative she doesn't let me get a word in edgewise(ugh! jk jk ;). But most of the time, she tells me incredible, inspiring stories. A lot of the time, she makes me laugh so hard, snot flies out of my nose (TMI). She sees the world the way I see it, and isn't blinded by the Utah bubble. She is my feminist BFF. She understands the struggles of going on a mission. She doesn't care what people think. She stands up for herself. She's saucy (yes I said SAUCY.) She and I have the same fears. She speaks Spanish. She is Mexican. Here's to 10 years of friendship (WTF!)!
2. Singles Ward. I went with Loira and LOVED it. In every class I could feel the spirit soooo strong. It was truly amazing. And guess what? Sacrament is actually QUIET! No cryin' babies at the singles ward, no siree bob ;)
3. Education. I love Westminster College despite the smokers and weird girls that think they are Vampires (Yes, there is actually a girl on campus who filed her canine teeth and walks around with an umbrella because the sun will kill her...?). I have such wonderful, powerful professors. I feel like I am learning SO MUCH. And I love my major. Literature embodies everything I love: activism, feminism, history, culture, etc. I just love to learn. I love to READ. I am also in the process of brainwashing my nephew so that when he grows up he loves to read too ;)
Have I mentioned how adorable this kid is? Well he is. And he is like, best behaved kid on the whole planet. No, I'm not biased one bit.
4. It had been a long weary day. I had had a break down in institute because one of my counselors had bailed on me, and none of the publicity stuff had been done. The printer absolutely refused to print out our posters. I was an half hour late for class. I felt guilty for letting everyone down. So, I cried and apologized to Brother Keaton (he looked at me like I was crazy...which I guess I did look kind of crazy...but hey! I was stressed!) and then went on my merry (HA!) way to class. I didn't get out of school til 7:30 pm and I was sooo exhausted. I shuffled my feet the 10 minute walk to my car, totally convinced that I would pass out at any moment. Then, when I arrive, I start looking for my keyes. They aren't in my pocket. They aren't in my bag. So, after I have a [major] panic attack at the realization that I totally lost my keys somewhere on campus, I get inside my car (which I had thankfully left unlocked) and guess what I see?
5. This video.
I swear they created this mash up JUST FOR ME. I listen to it every single day. WATCH IT :) You wont regret it!
oh boy. What a post. Props to anyone who actually read through this whole thing ;)
love ya lots!
I leave my keys in the ignition ALL THE TIME! Unfortunately, last time I had a breakdown, I locked my keys in my car. At the temple. I was having such a huge breakdown Michael came to work with me! hahaha